Score 4

Description: Underrunning extending to the abaxial edge of the sole of the hoof (Egerton and Roberts, 1971).

Score 4.1

Figure 1. Score 4. Chronic lesion with flystrike. Underrunning extending along the sole to the end of each digit. There is also inflammation of the interdigital skin. Photo: Andrew McPherson

Score 4.3

Figure 2. Score 4.  Lesion with underrunning extending along the sole to the end of each digit, loss of hard horn and granulation tissue on the sole. Photo: Om Dhungyel

Figure 3. Score 4. Lesion extends across the sole, part of which has sloughed off, to the abaxial wall and anteriorly to the toe. Photo: Om Dhungyel

Figure 4. Score 4. Horn has been pared mechanically to reveal underrunning that extends across the entire sole to the abaxial wall and toe of both digits. Photo: John Egerton

Figure 5. Score 4. Horn has been elevated to reveal underrunning that extends across the sole to the abaxial wall and toe of one digit. Photo: John Egerton

Figure 6. Score 4. Horn has been pared mechanically to reveal underrunning that extends across the sole to the abaxial wall of one digit (Score 4) and partially across the sole of the other digit (Score 3c). The foot is allocated the score of the worst affected digit, in this case Score 4. Photo: John Egerton

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